Category: soundObject

  • Antinodal


    chad eby Antinodal This piece, part of Primary Colours’ Installation Nation is a participatory listening piece where people can experience the ambient soundscape filtered by polycarbonate tubes into a pleasant drone. The tubes are cut to lengths that resonate at frequencies tuned to the pentatonic scale–so that by placing different tubes to each ear, various…

  • Empathy Test

    Empathy Test

    chad eby Empathy Test (This is not the story I wanted to tell you) Part of Sound Through Barriers, Empathy Test explores the sounds of a machine model of self-recognition, approach/avoidance behavior and the inevitability of any measurement to alter the thing measured. Randomly generated pulses serve both to drive the servomotors’ positions as well…

  • stopfmaschine


    chad eby stopfmaschine stopfmaschine employs active infra-red sensors and light dependent resistors to drive a microcontroller-hosted granular synthesis engine and trigger recorded samples of the clicks of dying hard drives and the groans of stress-induced metal fatigue. A servo-driven pendulum modulates the live sound synthesis based on viewer presence and proximity. stopfmaschine was exhibited at Gro{o}ve, a show curated…

  • Intonarumori 2.0

    Intonarumori 2.0

    chad eby Intonarumori 2.0 Intonarumori 2.0 is a digital reinterpretation of the Italian Fututrist Luigi Russolo’s Intonarumori noise instruments. As in the original, a hand-crank is turned on the back of the boxy device to produce noises from the front. In this updated version, six levers are added, each corresponding to: (one) (two) (three) (four) (five)…

  • Nielsen Slit

    Nielsen Slit

    chad eby Nielsen Slit Nielsen Slit is a generative analog sound piece consisting of a portable TV that generates a new soundtrack to the over-the-air programming it receives based on the luminance values of the video image as detected by sensors attached directly to the screen. Sadly, the piece ceased to function as intended on…

  • Babel


    chad eby Babel “But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their…